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How You Can Take The First Step Toward Healing

Humans are three-dimensional beings consisting of body, soul, and spirit. These sacred elements are delicately balanced to keep us healthy in a fulfilling life just ask the professional healers at

Tarot Cards- The future can be predicted

The main problem we face today as predictive readers are that we do not believe in free will. We think that our future can be predicted, and then it must

Relationship reading through tarot cards

No matter how much we know about the peoples around us, we don’t know everything about them. We are always curious to know what is going in their mind. We

Benefits of Tarot Readings!

Tarot reading is one of the most ancient methods of forecasting that is practised all over the world. Tarot card reading also reveals deeply hidden secrets of your future. A

Déjà Vu

Have you ever felt like you’ve read this before, heard this before or seen this before? It may have happened many times with you, when you visit a new place,

Meaning Of Life – Through Indian Eyes

A walks through in the world of realities and believes; get an insight view of its culture and philosophy of life. Let’s take a journey of lifetime to find meaning

La Llorona – Weeping Woman of the Southwest

La “Llorona” pronounced “LAH yoh ROH nah”. There is an urban legend of La Llorona- Weeping woman of the Southwest. Many communities still believes in her stories. In Spanish since

Meditation, A Bag Full Of Benefits

There are many types of glands in our mind, in which all the organs functions in a specific manner. Along with this we have many thoughts and imaginations in our

Legendary Monsters Of North America

Wherever we go to any place on this planet, then it is sure that the native of that place always have “a story of monsters” ready with them.  Almost every

North American Death Rituals and Funerary Practices

How urbanism affects funerary practices and death rituals?  If urbanism is affecting death rituals, we need to know in what way?  Is it adversely, beneficially, or perhaps neutrally? Funeral practices