Mistakes in self-reading the tarot cards

Mistakes in self-reading the tarot cards

Tarot cards are the mysterious tools and by unlocking them we can find the valuable secrets of our life. But it is not advised reading your own cards. Here the question arises, if you know yourself better than anyone then why reading our own card is restricted to us. It is because when you do self-reading of tarot cards, it becomes very difficult to relate the card with your life and you will end up in confusion. It requires years of practice to read your own tarot cards. After getting experience in a tarot reading, when you will try to read your own cards, you will find the cards literally speaking to you and bringing a lot more useful information than ever before. But without experience, you will surely do mistakes while reading your own cards. Here we will be discussing some of the common mistakes you will do while reading your own cards.

Reading at the time of crisis
It’s an intensely emotional situation which brings us most of the time to the tarot cards so that we can find out what is going to happen next and we opt to read our own cards. This is the most appropriate time to resist the tarot cards. When you are upset and not in the emotionally stable condition, you tend to wrongly read the cards. At that time, the thing you want to hear is what you will read. If you are not satisfied with the first card then you will keep drawing the cards until they speak in your favor which clearly suggests that you don’t want to accept the truth. You will do back to back reading to change the results. It can bring further frustration and confusion to the current situation. What you need to do is to relax and calm down and then do a self-tarot reading and only for once.

Complicating the things
In starting, people get really excited by the powers of the tarot card and want to learn everything about them. They usually think, doing a layout with more cards can provide you with more information, which is absolutely wrong. On the contrary, the more cards will bring more complication in the spread and there will be more probability of errors during the reading. Tarot cards are like an informative book. It will be great to read only one page to with complete focus rather than just turning each page without getting any information. It should be a simple spread. One card draw, two card spread, and three card spread are the most effective.

Reading wrong
If someone else is reading tarot cards for you, he does not know everything about you and doesn’t know what you are expecting with the current situation. That’s why he will come up with the truth towards you. But at the time of self-reading, you tend to wrongly read the cards because in your mind you have already imagined the outcome of the cards. If you know the card is not in your favor, still you will try your best to manipulate the meaning of that card. In this way, you will try to hide from the truth.

I am not against reading your own cards but want you to be aware of these common mistakes.

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