Relationship reading through tarot cards

Relationship reading through tarot cards

No matter how much we know about the peoples around us, we don’t know everything about them. We are always curious to know what is going in their mind. We want to know whether they are real or fake themselves in front of us. Especially about the relationship, our curiosity is even higher. We have a lot of questions like, what is the future of our love relationship, whether our partner feels the same way as we think about them, will we end up on marrying etc. Here tarot cards can play a major part to answer these questions. Here we will talk about the seven card spread method which is very useful to predict the relationship. After the cards are shuffled, the individuals have to choose seven cards one by one. The pattern of cards chosen is the main criteria to provide the reading. So let’s talk about these seven cards.

The querent
The current position of the querent in the relationship is symbolized by the first card. For example, cards like justice or hierophant will appear if you want to marry that person. You will get to know, the state of your mind about your partner.

The second card is just the opposite of the first card. This card will tell you about your partner that what is going in their mind. This card is the mirror to the inner soul of your partner. You can easily find out whether the person is right for you or not and what can you do to make them feel the same as you are feeling.

Present situation
This third card will give you an idea about the current status of your relationship. It can tell you if your relationship is suffering from any misunderstanding, it can tell if you are getting cheated in your relationship by your partner, it can tell you that your relationship is an example of true love etc.

Future of relationship
The fourth card will tell you about the future of your relationship. It will tell whether the relationship will last long or it will end not converting into marriage. In this way, you can prepare yourself for the coming days.

Inside the heart
The fifth card will tell you what exactly is in the heart of your partner and you about the relationship right now. Is it pure love or a fake thing? This card is the sneak peek of the depth of the hearts. This card is something for what people actually come for the love tarot reading. The card will provide a hint to figure out the reality of your relationship.

A look at short term future
The sixth card provides the reading of the short term future of one to six months. It will tell you about the events that can occur in your relationship life. This card excites the peoples about the coming event’s. But this card has a changing nature which depends on how you are dealing with your relationship.

A look at long term future
The seventh card predicts the future of the next six to twelve months. It is a very interesting card which provides you with a lot of answers to your questions. It can give you detailed information about the coming events in your relationship. You can also know about the contributors and barriers coming towards your relationship.
So get all of the answers about your relationships by having a love tarot card session.

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